There are lots of different ways you could fundraise for us through sponsorship for personal achievements or
through putting on an event.

Get sponsored

Doing something great like running a long way? Why not get sponsored and do it to raise money for Chilli Children?

Sponsorship Form

A Chilli-Themed Meal


Some of the amazing fundraising events which have raised funds for Chilli Children include: a talk and film
show; a special harvest school assembly, a chilli festival, a chilli themed meal; and a toddler group fun morning, a coffee morning, a cake sale, a car wash, a card sale, and many more.

If you are holding a fundraising event you might like to download our events form

A special harvest meal

Create your own Stewardship page.

Did you know you can set up your own Stewardship page by selecting 'start fundraising' on our Chilli Children page? It’s easy to do and a great way to collect sponsorship money when you are running marathons / swimming / climbing mountains etc.! 


A toddler group coffee morning

How we support fundraisers

To help in your fundraising activities we can:

  • Provide a speaker (depending on location)
  • Send you tea towels and bags to sell in aid of Chilli Children
  • Provide downloads of posters and pamphlets

Contact us

For these, or any other fundraising support please contact us by email or use the form on the “contact us” page.


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