Chilli Children relies on help from its supporters through donations, fundraising or help in other ways. Your generosity makes it possible for The Project to help the children and is greatly appreciated.


You can help us by making a one-off or monthly donation through Stewardship or by sending us a monthly donation form or one off donation form through the post with a cheque enclosed. 

You can also set up a direct standing order using our bank details: 

Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20 - 84 - 17 Account No.: 00848883

Chilli Children of Rukungiri (Uganda) 

Amazon Smile

Amazon will make a donation to Chilli Children every time you shop. Just click on Smile at the top of the Amazon page. There is no cost to you at all.


Are you a star baker, love running, member of a local group like Rotary? There are many ways that our supporters raise money for us. To help you, we have plenty of resources available to get started. 

Visit Rukungiri

If you want to see the work of The Project first hand, you can visit Rukungiri through our partner Mission Direct. Use their website to find out more about when they plan to run trips again. Click here to find out more... 

School Outreach

Looking to develop a more rounded world view for your KS1/2 pupils? Do your students need a greater awareness of the needs of those in the developing world? Why not use our assembly resources to introduce the work of the Chilli Children project and then hold a fundraiser to raise money for us? Could this become part of your PHSCE curriculum? Please contact if you would like her to lead a lesson or assembly.

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