In the first place we give thanks to Almighty God for bringing us safely throughout the whole of 2016,
alongside the challenges met God remained on our side and we give thanks to Him.
* Love and unity among the families supported by the Chilli programme - i.e. Disability in Uganda
- makes one fall into a second class of citizen. Also, some families break up over the domestic
affairs as to who is responsible for the disabled child?
* Strongly we do want to pray for the special needs teachers - government posted to Kitazigurukwa Unit for its’ expansion and allowing in the opportunity for disabled children to educated.
* Holistically, to pray for funding sources —— This very vital since is the foundation for all Project
activities. May God open new gates for provision and continue to bless and support those hands
that have given already and still giving ——
* Nelson now on board taking more duties in the Chilli Department (Head) to conduct some duities
which were being performed by Warren - more especially payments to the farmers during
harvest and delivering Chilli. It was discussed and agreed by the Project management
committee members held on 29/11/2016.
Martin, the new Project Driver and at the same time a Field Extension Officer, as Warren did,
he cannot head the Chilli department by reason of having insufficient experience and still junior
on the job.
In relation to the above prayer request the 2 staff’s, Nelson and Martin, their motorbike are not in good
condition —— and end up consuming much to repair them. Both two staffs need to be in the field - using
bikes, a, though Nelson’s visits are less, unlike Martin, who is full time in the field.
* 2017 volunteers vision to complete the Chilli Project’s Community and Rehabilitation Centre.
Mercy journey’s to Ugand and back home, as well as funding for this Project in particular.
* We shall also remember to pray for new Project Secretary, Komugisha Caroline as she settles in
after replacing the previous secretary since June 2016. So far so good …..
* Pray for March surgical camp to be held at Kisiizi Hospital. Also remember to pray for all
surgeons involved in the operations over Chilli Children 2017. As well as the forth coming Kisoro
field survey any time in April 2017.
* Finally, we pray for love and unity among us staff as it has always been a source of strength.
for team spirit that has enabled us to achieve the acitivities seen on ground. Emily’s (UK -
Uganda Trustee) her time here in Uganda with Chilli Project has been such a blessing !!! May
God extend her services longer in Uganda - with the Project. sshe is such a treasure to us!
Words will not be there to use while appreaciating the work done by Trustee ……..May the Almighty
God strengthen each one and shower special blessings to them all. .- for love, support and time
allocated to the Chilli Project and above all being prayer warriors for all Project Programme Activities.
Happy New Year !
Evas, Nahabue.