It's January so the Chilli Runners and Walkers are in warm up mode ready for February when we will run or walk 4 miles each day to raise funds for the cause we love; Chilli Children Trust.
Do you want to get fit and help a good cause at the same time? Ever thought about starting running but not sure you could? This February we're inviting you to get off the couch and join Team Chilli. We're hoping to run an introduction to running group from the Hope Hub (Carlisle Road,Blackwood) during the month of February, to coincide with the annual Chilli Runners and Walkers 112 mile challenge. You'd commit to three sessions a week (following the couch to 5k run program plus some strength/conditioning exercises and drills)- we hope to offer flexible times- led by some of the seasoned chilli runners. If you're interested send us a PM- and please share this post with your friends. Remember- for the majority of us if you can put one foot in front of the other you CAN run! Age and experience no barrier. You might just surprise yourself